November, 2023
"Free, unshackled!"

Eighteen. For a lot of people, it's a terrifying age, where suddenly they're thrust into the world and expected to be successful and know everything. Except, I know that's a lie. For me, being eighteen doesn't mean pressure, it is release. I am free, unshackled!

Truly though, being an adult does truly feel relieving in some aspects. I can be taken seriously, my ideas considered more than silly thoughts from a child. I will make this year great, I have to.

I've submitted all of my college applications, at least by the time of writing this. I've even began touring colleges! Previously I attended a tour of Ohio University, and from what I saw, the college looked more than adequate for what I needed! Except, today, I toured Ohio State University.

Previously my third-out-of-four choice, the campus, the opportunities, and the spirit left my eyes wide open for the entire tour. University of Oregon may be my first choice, but it undeniable: OSU was incredible.

And yet, I'm not even finished. I came home again today, and as I sat down to finish what work I could for the day, my phone lit up to an email. The instant I read who the messenger was, I opened my applications portal. I cannot remember if I breathed at all going to that website. I opened my application, checked for an update... and I found it.

"Congratulations! It is a pleasure to offer you admission to the University of Oregon... In recognition for your achievements, we are awarding you with Summit Scholarship. This $50,000 dollar reward reflects all the effort you've put into your academic studies and will help push you even further in accomplishing your goals inside and outside of UO."

I have nobody to thank other than my peers who helped me keep going. My dream college, and my once-thought-broken dream scholarship. Although my enrollment at the University of Oregon is near certain, I hope that, should it come to it, Ohio State University will welcome me. For now... I am in disbelief, but so incredibly ready to make this work!